Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween was "Spook"tacular!

I was Princess Jasmin this year for Halloween. Nana made my costume from last year-but this year I got more BLING. I got to wear my Great-Great-Grandma Mimi's earrings and special gloves too. Wasn"t I gorgeous?

Aunt Emrie, Uncle Luke, Miles, and baby Masie came to see us. Miles was a penguin-he looked like Happy Feet. And Baby Masie was a snow ball...she was so adorable. Then we went Trunk-Trick-or-Treating at the church. It was a lot of fun-it wasn't even cold outside. I saw some of my friends from primary and school there all dressed up in their cool costumes. I really liked all the princess costumes.

My sister, Ellyce was Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. She was so pretty. And Jillian was Cinderella since she had a blue dress. Her Belle costume was way too small-Halloween was so fun this year. I'm already planning what I'm going to be next year...SUPER GIRL!