Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ashlynn's first quiz-phonograms

Yes I actually scanned in her first quiz for everyone to see...she received a 9 out of 9 on her phonograms. I am so proud of her. She has been working so hard at home when we're doing her homework. For her homework, we write her name five times. We practice writing the number of the day. We have also been working on letter recognition which seems to be difficult because she mainly knows the uppercase letters and not all of the lowercase ones. I've got some flash cards that we've been working on so I do hope that helps her.

This other photo of our kindergarten queen is her standing in line waiting for pick up. You can sort of see her teacher, Mrs. Taylor. She is wearing the purple-ish shirt with the black cardigan over it (pony tail). Ashlynn just loves her-she says how much fun she has with Mrs. Taylor. She colors pictures for her all the time-just not sure if we should add those to the homework assignments I send back to school with her. I'd bet her teacher would love them. Well, enjoy.

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