Friday, August 29, 2008

First Week of School

School started Monday, August 25th at 8:00 AM. There were lots of kids there already playing on the playground at school, so I went and played with them. I made lots of new friends. I even saw some of my other friends.

Mom's Notes: Throughout the entire week, I've been trying to get anything out of what they did in the 3 hours she was there. I thought I asked about every question in the book and it seemed like her day was pretty boring. Until we started working on her homework Tuesday after school-I was writing down the day and date when Ashlynn said "It's 2008 Mom". I looked at her completely shocked. I don't think I have ever heard her say such a big word (actually number). I responded with the "Wow! Did you learn that at school?" " teacher tells us it's August 2008". Ummm-I was seriously took two days at kindergarten and my child is borderline genius. Ok just kidding. I'm just so proud of her.

Ashlynn and I have been working on her phonograms: a, o, c, and d this week. She has also started learning a song to remember how to write her numbers. It goes to the tune of Skip To My Lou...For example the number two verse is: "Curl around and slide to the right (Repeat 3 times)...That's how we write the number 2". How fun! During school hours they work on math (Saxon) and their Spalding Reading/Phonograms. Then at home we do review with the phonograms for the week and practice writing the number of the day. Homework for kindergarteners is 15 minutes per day plus 15 minutes of reading. So before bed we read for 15 to 30 minutes. We're reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. We're already on Chapter 5. Both the girls love it.

All in all, Ashlynn is just loving going to school. You can tell is tires her out which is okay too. She has made some new friends but can't remember their name (sounds like her mom-I can never remember anyone's names either). I am so happy that she is so interested in learning.

Enjoy some first week photos - The picture on top was her first day and the picture below is of her second day. Isn't she just too stinking cute for her own good?

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